Terms and Conditions

ICOS is dedicated to customer satisfaction. If you have any suggestions or comments, please email us using the details on the contact us page.

Making A Purchase

Making a purchase could not be easier. Just browse our online store and add any items you wish to buy to the ‘Shopping Cart’. When you have finished browsing and made your selections, click on ‘Checkout’. You will then be asked for a few details so we can complete the order.


We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal. If you are shopping from outside the Japan , once your order has been placed, your credit card company will convert the transaction to your local currency. You are charged immediately upon placing your order.

You will then receive confirmation of your order – this confirms we have received your order, but it does not indicate a contract exists between us. We will indicate acceptance of your order by sending you an invoice – this is the contract between us. We have included this term to protect us in the case that a mistake has been made in pricing, for example if we have inadvertently under-priced a product, or we are no longer able to supply a particular product for some reason. In the case of a change of price, we will always contact you first to ensure that the revised price is acceptable to you.

Shipping and Handling

Carriage for goods is charged as shown in the ‘Checkout’ when you input your delivery address. Orders are shipped via DHL for (small items) or courier (large items). When selecting a delivery address, please consider that someone will need to be available to sign for your item.

Upon receiving your goods, please carefully check them over. If either the goods or packaging appear damaged, please sign for them as ‘Goods Received Damaged’ and contact us within 7 days of receipt of your order with a note of your order number.

Back Orders

If your item is not in stock at the time of ordering, we will not back order for you. You will always be emailed with the option to cancel your order if you would rather not wait.


ICOS retailer carry a 1-year warranty against manufacturing defects. Please contact us for further details.

Privacy Policy

To process your order, we require your name, billing address, phone number, email address and credit card information.

ICOS do not disclose buyers’ information to third parties other than when order details are processed as part of the order fulfillment. In this case, the third party will not disclose any of the details to any other third party.

We do our best to maintain the accuracy of any personal information you do supply to us, but you can help ICOS update and maintain the accuracy of any personal information you supply by using the account profile pages or notifying Planet X of any changes to your address, title, phone number or email address.

Cookies are used on this shopping site to keep track of the contents of your shopping cart, to store delivery addresses if the address book is used and to store your details if you select the ‘Remember Me’ Option. They are also used after you have logged on as part of that process. You can turn off cookies within your browser by going to Tools | Internet Options | Privacy and selecting to block cookies. If you turn off cookies, you will be unable to place orders or benefit from the other features that use cookies.